Friday, December 27, 2013

Blogging: How to Sell Yourself to Make More Sales

Hey guys! I just wanted to post the webinar that I did on How to log to make sales.
I hope you enjoy this awesome training. I think it will give you more clarity on blogging and what the purpose is.

To learn more about the viral blogging system, partner with us at:

Love & Belief
Camille L Alexander
Direct Sales & Internet Marketing Coach

InternetBizMommy Inc.

How to Build Your Online Income Dream

Happy Holidays!!

While everyone is savoring the holidays and moving on to the New Year, I put together this webinar training entitled, "How to Build Your Online Income Dream".

I wanted to put this training out there because I often get emails and messages about what is this online business about? How do I make money? Is this "really real"?. My response is yes it is and I'll show you step by step what you need to do.

If you want to learn more about earning a 5-6 figure income, partner with us at

I hope you enjoy this training and there are more to come!

Happy New Year!

Love & Belief
Camille L Alexander
Direct Sales & Internet Marketing Coach

InternetBizMommy Inc.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Balancing Act.....Back To School and Business....

So I wanted to put this older post I wrote back in the fall out there because this blog isn't just about how to make money online but rather this blog is to also share my everyday trials and tribulations as I work steadfastly in this internet marketing business all while being a stay at home mom.....I know many of you out there know exactly what I'm going through as my husband and I build our online business so I wanted to share....
Here is a pic my husband took of myself and the boys last year (minus our girl baby, she's 6 now)...

Back in August......

I woke up at 5am ( my alarm is set for 6) . Not sure why but I guess it was the chill from the empty spot next to me...My husband was up and at it on his laptop. I asked him what was he doing and he replied, "I'm Advertising". I rolled back over......

But then I remembered something...oh yeah, I needed to get up. There are 4 loads of laundry in the basement that need to get done, need to hit WalMart this morning before the kids start complaining about how we're out of this and that. I also needed to make some follow up phone calls and do some Facebook advertising after I got the kids dressed and breakfast made....

I stared at the ceiling, said my morning prayer and hopped out of bed.

Every single day, I get up with the energy and determination that I'm going to accomplish something in my online business that I didn't do the day before. Some times it happens, some times it doesn't. I won't portray this picture of a perfect business mom because that wouldn't be the truth. The truth is that I have 5 kids and anything can happen at any moment in this house. Some days, it can get PRETTY THICK but I wouldn't change a thing.

I have 5 kids running around the house. There's fighting, laughter, playing, yelling and crying going on ALL the time.  Something is always happening. How do I manage you ask? I have alot of support from my parents, they love taking the kids off our hands. They pitch in around here so that I can get other things done. But since every day is different, I just DIVE IN! It's back to school so I drop 2 of the kids off at school and come back home, my husband wants breakfast (oh yeah, gotta feed the old man). The babies are tugging on me, one needs to go potty (but didn't make it), the other wants to eat a cupcake for breakfast and the older one wants corn flakes-no milk please. Ok, I got it covered. So after all of that is done, I sit down to check the stats of one of my online businesses before I head to WalMart. 30 opt-ins since last night. More people are signing up by the day and as a sponsor, I need to make sure that I'm on top of getting them the information that they need to get started. I host a Team Training 2-3 times per week. I make sure that I stay on top of my customer service game. It means everything in this business.....

If you want to learn more about earning a 5-6 figure income online, partner with us at

Love & Belief
Camille L Alexander
Direct Sales & Internet Marketing Coach

InternetBizMommy Inc.

5 Steps to Greatness in your Network Marketing Business

Taking your Network Marketing business from beginner to EXTRAORDINARY will require some important steps.  Here is a list of things that will assist in not only bringing your business full circle but will change those unproductive habits into a new way of living a life of your dreams-with more time and energy to spare!

To achieve success in your Network Marketing business, you must prioritize where your attention will be focused. Create a dream board or Vision board to carve out where you want to see yourself from the beginning to your ultimate destiny. Also, create a list of short and long term goals for yourself.

Plan Ruthlessly; Execute Relentlessly
Develop your plan and WORK your plan to achieve your goals in your Network Marketing business. Create a measure of time to evaluate yourself and how far you're getting in your plan. Don't become stuck on one facet of your plan. Keep it moving.

Become "Tech Savvy" but don't allow it to become a distraction
Not every email is worth checking the second it is received.  Make sure that if you allocate your time to specific activities to get things done in your business, switch your phone to silent so that you can accomplish what you set out to do in that measure of time. Also, realize that your Network Marketing business may require you to turn off the gadgets AND the TV. If you are looking to achieve a 6 figure residual income, there will be great sacrifices but it will all be worth it.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
This can mean a few different things. If you're used to being at home and not getting out, this will be a serious adjustment for your Network Marketing business. Although you are working your business online, there are chances to work your business in person to. Depending on the products you're selling whether on or offline, you need to attend events for motivation, meet clients etc. Absolutely everything isn't going to happen sitting right in front of the computer. Change of scenery is good. Becoming comfortable is the enemy of innovation.  The more time you spend in one place, the easier it is to fall into a routine of complacency.

Review Your Plan & Revise for More Success
After your plan has been put into place, perform a regular review to see how things are working. If you find that what you’re doing is going great, think of more ways to innovate your business and keep pushing. If you find that something isn’t working, discontinue it immediately to avoid further loss in your business. Revamp your plan and move forward.

Remember, time is money.

Love & Belief,
Camille L Alexander
Direct Sales & Internet Marketing Coach

InternetBizMommy Inc.